東錦絵 国立国会図書館デジタルコレクションより転載
Azuma Nishiki-e Reprinted from the National Diet Library Digital Collections
組紐が我が国に伝わったのは、仏教が伝来した飛鳥時代。その後、平安時代には日本独自の組紐技法が確立したと考えられています。結びやすくほどけにくいという 実用の“用”と工芸の“美”を備えた組紐は、時代の求めに合わせて、経巻の紐、武具甲冑の紐など様々に姿を変えてきました。今日、組紐といえば最初に思い浮かぶ帯締は、江戸時代後期に生産が盛んになったものです。
The first kumihimo was introduced to Japan during the Asuka period, at the time Buddhism was introduced. It is believed that Japan’s unique kumihimo technique was later established during the Heian period. Kumihimo, with their practical “use” of being easy to tie and difficult to unravel, and their “beauty” as a craft, have changed in various ways, such as strings for Buddhist scriptures and armour strings, to meet the needs of the times. Today, the first thing that comes to mind when talking about kumihimo is the obijime, which became popular and were widely produced in the late Edo period.

There are many types of Kumihimo with various patterns and shapes such as mitakegumi, karakumi, marugenjigumi, yurugigumi, surugagumi, yotsugumi and yatsugumi. They are assembled using kumidai (braiding tables) such as marudai, ayatakedai and kakudai. The kumidai appeared in the late Edo period, and until then, ancestors used their fingers to create the complex patterns and shapes.

In view of the extremely low domestic production of cocoons and raw silk, Ryukobo is promoting the use and knowledge of pure domestic silk as part of the Japan national council for the affiliated group of silk yarn threads and the silk industry. The ‘Junkokusan Kinu Mark’ is affixed to silk products made using only domestically produced silk. This mark clearly shows the production history from cocoon production to spinning, weaving, dyeing and processing.

純国産絹マーク使用許諾(登録番号:047-01) 蚕糸・絹業提携支援緊急対策事業コーディネーター登録(登録者:代表取締役 福田 隆 登録番号:20-039)
Licensed to use the Junkokusan Kinu Mark (Registration No.: 047-01) Registered as a coordinator for emergency measures and support for the Japan national council for the affiliated group of silk yarn threads and the silk industry (Registrant: Takashi Fukuda, CEO, Registration No.: 20-039)